该农场位于 "鱼米之乡",其运作方式就像富士康的养猪厂。
由于与美国的贸易争端、与大流行病有关的供应中断和乌克兰战争,中国政府在过去几年里一直专注于提高农业自给率。中国领导人习近平呼吁农业自力更生,以 "在使自己成为大国之前加强其农业"。猪肉是中国饮食中的一种关键蛋白质,因为国务院在2019年发布了一项法令,以对大规模养猪场的财政援助来支持猪肉行业。
北京还宣布,它将批准多层养殖,这使得养猪业可以垂直发展,在较小的地块上饲养更多的生猪。这种开创性的养殖方法被设计养猪场的余氏设计院的执行董事余平称为 "里程碑"。
In central China, a 26-story high-rise is being used as a pig farm. It resembles the monolithic housing blocks seen across the country, and contains areas for pregnant pigs, farrowing piglets, nursing and fattening the young hogs.
Feed is delivered to the top floor in giant tanks and dispensed to the hogs on the floors below based on their stage of life, weight and health. This farm is expected to raise 1.2 million pigs annually when both buildings reach full capacity.
This pig farming method is being used in China due to the scarcity of agricultural land, and the need for a reliable pork supply. The first farm started operating in October and a second identical pig high-rise will open soon.
China has had a long history of raising pigs, both as a source of meat and manure and as a symbol of prosperity.
China is the largest consumer of pork in the world and pork prices are closely monitored and managed by the government.
In recent years, China has been striving to close the gap between its pork prices and those in other industrialized countries by building more industrialized pig farms.
Built by Hubei Zhongxin Kaiwei Modern Animal Husbandry, the Ezhou farm is a monument to China's ambition to modernize pork production.
The farm is located in the "Land of Fish and Rice" and is run like a Foxconn factory for pigs.
Even pig feces is measured, collected and repurposed.
Six decades after a famine, China still trails most of the developed world in efficient food production.
China imports more than half of the world's soybeans, mostly for animal feed.
Its crops cost more to produce and its farmlands yield less per acre than other major economies.
Trade disputes, supply disruptions, and the war in Ukraine have highlighted China's potential food security risk.
In response, Xi Jinping called agricultural self-reliance a priority.
The Chinese government has been focusing on increasing agricultural self-reliance in the past few years due to trade disputes with the U.S., pandemic-related supply disruptions and the war in Ukraine. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has called for agricultural self-reliance to "strengthen its agriculture before making itself a great power". Pork is a key protein in the Chinese diet, as the State Council issued a decree in 2019 to support the pork industry with financial aid for large-scale pig farms.
Beijing also declared that it would approve multistory farming, which allows pig farming to go vertical and raise more hogs on smaller plots of land. This groundbreaking method of farming has been described as a "milestone" by Yu Ping, executive director of Yu's Design Institute, a company that designs pig farms.
The Chinese government is taking steps to ensure food security and agricultural self-reliance. This includes supporting the pork industry with financial aid for large-scale pig farms, as well as introducing multistory farming, a revolutionary method of raising more hogs on smaller plots of land.