
Functional Skills in ICT:Using OCR Nationals Unit 1

This is a first draft , if you have any additions please post them, but an interm attempt to see if the very popular ‘OCR Nationals in ICT’ can be used as a vehicle to deliver the functional skills. The first look at it suggests it can. I am assuming that the FS
are assessed by some sort of test or exam. At my school we would want
to continue to deliver the Nationals as long as possible and the
obvious outcome we would prefer is for the Nationals to re-emerge with FS signposted. This will require additional ‘assessment objectives’ but it does not look too difficult.

Functional Skills in ICT: level 2



            Coverage and range


OCR Nationals equivalent

Use ICT systems


1. Select, interact with and use ICT systems independently for a complex task to meet a variety of needs

1.1. Use correct procedures to start and shut down an ICT system

Log in, log out, use shutdown menu

Not likely to be a problem

1.2. Select and use a communication service to access the internet

Broadband, dial-up, network, mobile device

Not likely to be a problem

1.3. Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve problems

Word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, browser, email, audio and video software

Not likely to be a problem

1.4. Select and use interface features and system facilities effectively to meet needs

Desktop, windows, dialogue box, menu, submenu, toolbar, scrollbar, drag and drop, zoom, template, wizard

Not likely to be a problem

1.5. Select and adjust system settings as appropriate to individual needs

Window size, mouse settings, icon size, screen resolution, desktop contrast, volume, date and time

Network permission

2. Use ICT to effectively plan work and evaluate the effectiveness of the ICT system used

2.1. Use ICT to effectively plan work; review the effectiveness of ICT tools to meet needs in order to inform future judgments

Time, convenience, cost, quality, range of facilities, versatility


3. Manage information storage to enable efficient retrieval

3.1. Manage files and folder structures to enable efficient information retrieval

open, save, save as, print, close, delete, view, rename, move and copy
files, create folders and subfolders, name files and folders

A01 Create folders

3.2. insert, remove, label and store media safely

CD, DVD, memory stick, hard drives

A01 Back up to memory stick



4. Follow and understand the need for safety and security

4.1.  Minimise physical stress

Arrangement of hardware and cables, wrist rests and other devices


4.2. Keep information secure

Keep copies safe, take backups, keep password or PIN secret

A01 Password protest a document, Backup to a memory stick

4.3. Understand the danger of computer viruses and how to minimize risk

Use virus-checking software, treat files from unknown sources with caution

A02 email – security - distinction

4.4. Understand the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication

inappropriate disclosure of personal information, avoid misuse of
images, use appropriate language, respect confidentiality, use copy
lists with discrimination


5. Troubleshoot

5.1 Identify ICT problems and take appropriate action

freeze, respond appropriately to error dialogue, virus threat, storage
full, paper jam, uninstall software, know when and whom to ask for help
to fix the problem



Find and select information


1. Select and use a variety of sources of information independently for a complex task

1.1. Select and use appropriate sources of ICT-based and other forms of information which match requirements

Newspapers, books, images, maps, conversations, CDs, DVDs, text messages, podcasts, web logs, web-based reference sites

A02 Search the web - distinction

1.2. Recognize copyright and other constraints on the use of information

Music downloads, acknowledgement of sources, avoiding plagiarism, provisions of  the Data Protection Act

A02 copyright

2. access, search for, select and use ICT-based information and evaluate its fitness for purpose

2.1. Access, navigate and search internet sources of information purposefully and

Enter a web address, use a search engine, browse, save and use bookmarks

A02 Search the web - distinction

2.2. Use appropriate search techniques and design queries to locate and select relevant information

search criteria, quotation marks, search within results, relational
operators, logical operators, find or search tool including wildcards

A02 Search the web - distinction

Use discrimination in selecting information that matches requirements
from a variety of sources and evaluate fitness for purpose

Recognise intention and authority of provider, currency of the information, relevance, bias

A02 Search the web (validity)  - distinction


Develop, present and communicate information


1. enter, develop and format information independently to suit its meaning and purpose, including:

1.1. enter, organise, develop, refine and format information, applying editing techniques to meet needs

Organise: structure of information, document layout, headings, subheadings, lists, tables, use of  templates edit: drag and drop, find, replace, undo, redo

Word process a document to be the source of a brochure in A04

1.2. use appropriate page layout

Columns, margins, header, footer, portrait, landscape, page breaks, page numbering

1.3. enter and format text to maximize clarity and enhance presentation

Bullets, numbering, sub-numbering, alignment, tabs, line spacing, colour, font, style, size


1.4. create and format tables to maximize clarity and enhance presentation

timetable, components list, membership information format: horizontal
and vertical text alignment, merge and split cells, gridlines, borders,


1.5. obtain, insert, size, crop and position images that are fit for purpose

Clip-art, photos, scanned images, borders

1.6. enter, develop and organise numerical information that is fit for purpose

Cell data types, cell ranges, absolute and relative referencing, formulas, functions, replication, structure and layout of

A05 Spreadsheets


Chart to be used in WP document and exported as a source for DTP

1.7. format numerical information appropriately

per cent, number of decimal places, date, time, text wrap, row height,
column width, gridlines, merged cells, cell borders


1.8. create and develop charts and graphs to suit the numerical information, using suitable labels

Pie chart, bar chart, single line graph, scattergram, title, axis titles, legend

enter, organise, select and edit records using fieldnames and headings,
data types and unique record identifier when appropriate

Spreadsheet  or  database,  use data filtering

A05 Spreadsheet

1.10. sort records on one or more fields in ascending or descending order

Table, spreadsheet, database

A06 Database

2. bring together information to suit content and purpose

2.1. bring together and organise components of images and text

Image, chart, text alignment, captions, text wrap, use of text boxes, behind, in front, grouping



2.2. organise information of different forms or from different sources to achieve a

Poster, newsletter, web page, catalogue, brochure, multimedia presentation

3. present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience

3.1. work accurately and proofread, using software facilities where appropriate

Ensure meaning is clear, seek views of  others, check spelling, check calculations, ensure consistent layout, print preview


3.2. produce information that is fit for purpose and audience, using accepted layouts and conventions as appropriate

Letter, memo, report, newsletter, brochure, poster, web page, information sheet

4. evaluate the selection and application of ICT tools and facilities used to present information

4.1. evaluate the effectiveness of ICT tools to meet presentation needs

taken, quality, range of facilities, versatility, transferability of
information into other formats, speed of internet connection, time
constraints of  downloading large files

A03 presentation


review and modify work as It progresses to ensure the result is fit for
purpose and audience, and to inform future judgments

Produce drafts, review against initial plans, check with intended audience

A04 Review of brochure text, include peer review

Select and use ICT to communicate and exchange information safely,
responsibly and effectively, including storage of messages and contact

Create, access, read and respond appropriately to email and other
ICT-based communication, including attachments, and adapt style to suit

mailbox, read, reply, forward, communicate using from, to, cc, bcc,
subject and content fields, add and open attachments, use instant
messaging, contribute to forums, web logs or web-based reference sites

A02 email


5.2. Manage efficient storage of ICT-based communications, attachments and

Create and maintain folders, delete redundant messages, add, amend and delete contact

A01 create folders



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