
Functional Skills in ICT:Using OCR Nationals Unit 1

This is a first draft , if you have any additions please post them, but an interm attempt to see if the very popular ‘OCR Nationals in ICT’ can be used as a vehicle to deliver the functional skills. The first look at it suggests it can. I am assuming that the FS
are assessed by some sort of test or exam. At my school we would want
to continue to deliver the Nationals as long as possible and the
obvious outcome we would prefer is for the Nationals to re-emerge with FS signposted. This will require additional ‘assessment objectives’ but it does not look too difficult.

Functional Skills in ICT: level 2



            Coverage and range


OCR Nationals equivalent

Use ICT systems


1. Select, interact with and use ICT systems independently for a complex task to meet a variety of needs

1.1. Use correct procedures to start and shut down an ICT system

Log in, log out, use shutdown menu

Not likely to be a problem

1.2. Select and use a communication service to access the internet

Broadband, dial-up, network, mobile device

Not likely to be a problem

1.3. Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve problems

Word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, browser, email, audio and video software

Not likely to be a problem

1.4. Select and use interface features and system facilities effectively to meet needs

Desktop, windows, dialogue box, menu, submenu, toolbar, scrollbar, drag and drop, zoom, template, wizard

Not likely to be a problem

1.5. Select and adjust system settings as appropriate to individual needs

Window size, mouse settings, icon size, screen resolution, desktop contrast, volume, date and time

Network permission

2. Use ICT to effectively plan work and evaluate the effectiveness of the ICT system used

2.1. Use ICT to effectively plan work; review the effectiveness of ICT tools to meet needs in order to inform future judgments

Time, convenience, cost, quality, range of facilities, versatility


3. Manage information storage to enable efficient retrieval

3.1. Manage files and folder structures to enable efficient information retrieval

open, save, save as, print, close, delete, view, rename, move and copy
files, create folders and subfolders, name files and folders

A01 Create folders

3.2. insert, remove, label and store media safely

CD, DVD, memory stick, hard drives

A01 Back up to memory stick



4. Follow and understand the need for safety and security

4.1.  Minimise physical stress

Arrangement of hardware and cables, wrist rests and other devices


4.2. Keep information secure

Keep copies safe, take backups, keep password or PIN secret

A01 Password protest a document, Backup to a memory stick

4.3. Understand the danger of computer viruses and how to minimize risk

Use virus-checking software, treat files from unknown sources with caution

A02 email – security - distinction

4.4. Understand the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication

inappropriate disclosure of personal information, avoid misuse of
images, use appropriate language, respect confidentiality, use copy
lists with discrimination


5. Troubleshoot

5.1 Identify ICT problems and take appropriate action

freeze, respond appropriately to error dialogue, virus threat, storage
full, paper jam, uninstall software, know when and whom to ask for help
to fix the problem



Find and select information


1. Select and use a variety of sources of information independently for a complex task

1.1. Select and use appropriate sources of ICT-based and other forms of information which match requirements

Newspapers, books, images, maps, conversations, CDs, DVDs, text messages, podcasts, web logs, web-based reference sites

A02 Search the web - distinction

1.2. Recognize copyright and other constraints on the use of information

Music downloads, acknowledgement of sources, avoiding plagiarism, provisions of  the Data Protection Act

A02 copyright

2. access, search for, select and use ICT-based information and evaluate its fitness for purpose

2.1. Access, navigate and search internet sources of information purposefully and

Enter a web address, use a search engine, browse, save and use bookmarks

A02 Search the web - distinction

2.2. Use appropriate search techniques and design queries to locate and select relevant information

search criteria, quotation marks, search within results, relational
operators, logical operators, find or search tool including wildcards

A02 Search the web - distinction

Use discrimination in selecting information that matches requirements
from a variety of sources and evaluate fitness for purpose

Recognise intention and authority of provider, currency of the information, relevance, bias

A02 Search the web (validity)  - distinction


Develop, present and communicate information


1. enter, develop and format information independently to suit its meaning and purpose, including:

1.1. enter, organise, develop, refine and format information, applying editing techniques to meet needs

Organise: structure of information, document layout, headings, subheadings, lists, tables, use of  templates edit: drag and drop, find, replace, undo, redo

Word process a document to be the source of a brochure in A04

1.2. use appropriate page layout

Columns, margins, header, footer, portrait, landscape, page breaks, page numbering

1.3. enter and format text to maximize clarity and enhance presentation

Bullets, numbering, sub-numbering, alignment, tabs, line spacing, colour, font, style, size


1.4. create and format tables to maximize clarity and enhance presentation

timetable, components list, membership information format: horizontal
and vertical text alignment, merge and split cells, gridlines, borders,


1.5. obtain, insert, size, crop and position images that are fit for purpose

Clip-art, photos, scanned images, borders

1.6. enter, develop and organise numerical information that is fit for purpose

Cell data types, cell ranges, absolute and relative referencing, formulas, functions, replication, structure and layout of

A05 Spreadsheets


Chart to be used in WP document and exported as a source for DTP

1.7. format numerical information appropriately

per cent, number of decimal places, date, time, text wrap, row height,
column width, gridlines, merged cells, cell borders


1.8. create and develop charts and graphs to suit the numerical information, using suitable labels

Pie chart, bar chart, single line graph, scattergram, title, axis titles, legend

enter, organise, select and edit records using fieldnames and headings,
data types and unique record identifier when appropriate

Spreadsheet  or  database,  use data filtering

A05 Spreadsheet

1.10. sort records on one or more fields in ascending or descending order

Table, spreadsheet, database

A06 Database

2. bring together information to suit content and purpose

2.1. bring together and organise components of images and text

Image, chart, text alignment, captions, text wrap, use of text boxes, behind, in front, grouping



2.2. organise information of different forms or from different sources to achieve a

Poster, newsletter, web page, catalogue, brochure, multimedia presentation

3. present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience

3.1. work accurately and proofread, using software facilities where appropriate

Ensure meaning is clear, seek views of  others, check spelling, check calculations, ensure consistent layout, print preview


3.2. produce information that is fit for purpose and audience, using accepted layouts and conventions as appropriate

Letter, memo, report, newsletter, brochure, poster, web page, information sheet

4. evaluate the selection and application of ICT tools and facilities used to present information

4.1. evaluate the effectiveness of ICT tools to meet presentation needs

taken, quality, range of facilities, versatility, transferability of
information into other formats, speed of internet connection, time
constraints of  downloading large files

A03 presentation


review and modify work as It progresses to ensure the result is fit for
purpose and audience, and to inform future judgments

Produce drafts, review against initial plans, check with intended audience

A04 Review of brochure text, include peer review

Select and use ICT to communicate and exchange information safely,
responsibly and effectively, including storage of messages and contact

Create, access, read and respond appropriately to email and other
ICT-based communication, including attachments, and adapt style to suit

mailbox, read, reply, forward, communicate using from, to, cc, bcc,
subject and content fields, add and open attachments, use instant
messaging, contribute to forums, web logs or web-based reference sites

A02 email


5.2. Manage efficient storage of ICT-based communications, attachments and

Create and maintain folders, delete redundant messages, add, amend and delete contact

A01 create folders




李敖:“我眼里的毛泽东”,中国人都值得一看!-- 中华网






【转载】IN 女人: 我是这样做传说中的“巫婆汤”的

IN 女人: 我是这样做传说中的“巫婆汤”的:

1. 土豆-一个半拳头即可
2. 洋葱-1/3个拳头即可
3. 番茄-4个拳头即可
4. 牛肉-1/3个拳头即可
5. 红辣椒-切一段食指或者中指长的即可
6. 矿泉水-一大口或者一大口半
7. 卷心菜-三片手张开那么大
8. 芹菜-整只手那么长一根
9. 盐-2-3份指甲盖那么大小



【双语阅读】自上而下的考察是靠不住的 / 郭宇宽(转载)

【双语阅读】自上而下的考察是靠不住的 / 郭宇宽:

  A Chinese Government Survey

  (Guo Yukuan)

  I just read a great story in Nanjing Morning News. In Shiqiao town, Pukou district, Nanjing city, there was a survey of how well-off citizens are nowadays. The various village governments undertook certain extreme measures for this survey. According to the reporter's investigation, the various village residents all received a booklet called "Sample answers for the prosperity survey." There were sixteen questions and answers in this booklet. For example, Q3 was: "In 2008, what was the approximate income of your entire family?" The correct answer was: "More than 8,000 yuan." As another example, Q16 was: "On a scale of 0 to 100, how would you rate your own happiness level?" The correct answer was: "Between 90 and 100." The village cadres also said that those people lucky enough to be selected for the telephone interview will be rewarded with 2,000 yuan if they gave the correct answers.

  Even more amazingly, the telephones of many people malfunctioned on that day. Some people were happily waiting at home to wait for the home telephone to ring, but nothing happened. So they used their mobile phones to call their own home telephones: "It sounded like as if nobody was home, but actually the home telephone was not ringing." Some people went down to the Ministry of Telecommunication to complain and found more than 100 people there complaining about the same situation. "Most of those with telephone problems were either poor, or had previously argued with the cadres." Telephone service was restored in the afternoon, by which time the telephone survey had just ended.

  One does not know to laugh or cry about this story about the behavior of Chinese officials. Random sampling is a somewhat scientific statistical methodology, and it was a good thing that the Jiangsu provincial government wanted to conduct a prosperity study. But the grassroots cadres in China are infinitely wise and they subverted the survey. On further thought, there is a strong tradition behind this. I have some old books here about rural studies in the 1960's. From reading those books, you will have no idea that hundreds of thousands of people were starving to death at the time. Every single commune reported that production levels rose again and the situation was never better. Even Mao Zedong who came from a peasant background was confounded by the sight of children sitting on the tightly packed crop.

  What created this sort of absurdity? Aren't the grassroots cadres afraid of being caught cheating? Which great leader and brilliant emperor in history did not demand their underlings to speak the truth? Yet it is hard to find cases of bureaucrats getting their heads cut off for daring to lie about how great the situation was. Conversely, when people like Peng Dehuai tried to speak the truth, they met with bad endings. Sometimes, the decent folks are worried that the leaders being lied to. Actually the leaders are often only too glad to be lied to. It is the child telling the truth about the emperor's new clothes who creates embarrassment.

  So this is how a culture that regularly practices lying and fakery came about. Even more sad in this news report is that a local school holiday was declared on December 20 and the teachers told the students to stay home in the morning to wait for the telephone call and provide the standard answers. I think that there must have been unbearable pressures on the teachers to instruct their students on how to lie.

  The only comforting part is that the cadres used rewards to mobilize the people. In the past, it was more likely that brute force was used to coerce the people not to say the wrong things, or smear the image of the local district, or even smear the image of socialism. As a result, people lied out of fear or they chose to maintain silence and let the trained "actors" represent them. But today terrorism is not working as well. People have a choice to some extent, including denouncing the practice to the media without fear of retaliation. It can be said that 30 years after the reforms began, the dignity of the Chinese people as well as the degree of civilization in society have been raised markedly.

  One may wonder how much longer will the Chinese phenomenon of the grassroots officials deceiving their superiors persist? How can we completely change things? The most traditional idea is to hope that the leaders are clear-minded people who sometimes travel incognito to observe the actual conditions. But the Chinese people have been waiting for several thousand years without much effect. As long as the source of authority comes from "above," the phenomenon will continue to occur. Only when the source of authority comes from "below" can the situation be changed. The great leader only has one pair of eyes, but the people have innumerable pairs of eyes and they can't all be fooled all of the time.

  自上而下的考察是靠不住的 / 郭宇宽


  刚看到《南京晨报》报道了一条好新闻,为了迎接上级的全面达到小康的检查,南京浦口区的石桥镇,在给各村布置任务上可谓挖空心思,根据记者的调查,各村民家里都有“小康验收电话访谈样本”。这个样本共有16道问题和答案,其中第三题问的是:“2008年,您全家人均收入大概是多少元?答案是8000元以上。”第16题问的是“如果把幸福用100分来表示,您认为自己能打多少分? 答案是90到100分。”据说村干部还口头宣传,当天被抽中电话的群众,如果按照标准答案回答,将可获得2000元的奖励。

  更神奇的是,有一批人家电话在调查当天出现故障,有人兴致勃勃地等在家里准备中彩,却发现,用手机拨打自家电话:“好像是没有人接听,其实电话铃就没有响。”而且群众到了电信局才发现,家里电 话出现和他家一样情况的群众有100多人。“这些电话出问题的人中,大多数是家里经济不好的,或者平时和村干部闹过意见。”而且电话到了下午才通,而这个时候,小康电话调查正好结束了。







【双语阅读】自上而下的考察是靠不住的 / 郭宇宽

【双语阅读】自上而下的考察是靠不住的 / 郭宇宽:

  A Chinese Government Survey

  (Guo Yukuan)

  I just read a great story in Nanjing Morning News. In Shiqiao town, Pukou district, Nanjing city, there was a survey of how well-off citizens are nowadays. The various village governments undertook certain extreme measures for this survey. According to the reporter's investigation, the various village residents all received a booklet called "Sample answers for the prosperity survey." There were sixteen questions and answers in this booklet. For example, Q3 was: "In 2008, what was the approximate income of your entire family?" The correct answer was: "More than 8,000 yuan." As another example, Q16 was: "On a scale of 0 to 100, how would you rate your own happiness level?" The correct answer was: "Between 90 and 100." The village cadres also said that those people lucky enough to be selected for the telephone interview will be rewarded with 2,000 yuan if they gave the correct answers.

  Even more amazingly, the telephones of many people malfunctioned on that day. Some people were happily waiting at home to wait for the home telephone to ring, but nothing happened. So they used their mobile phones to call their own home telephones: "It sounded like as if nobody was home, but actually the home telephone was not ringing." Some people went down to the Ministry of Telecommunication to complain and found more than 100 people there complaining about the same situation. "Most of those with telephone problems were either poor, or had previously argued with the cadres." Telephone service was restored in the afternoon, by which time the telephone survey had just ended.

  One does not know to laugh or cry about this story about the behavior of Chinese officials. Random sampling is a somewhat scientific statistical methodology, and it was a good thing that the Jiangsu provincial government wanted to conduct a prosperity study. But the grassroots cadres in China are infinitely wise and they subverted the survey. On further thought, there is a strong tradition behind this. I have some old books here about rural studies in the 1960's. From reading those books, you will have no idea that hundreds of thousands of people were starving to death at the time. Every single commune reported that production levels rose again and the situation was never better. Even Mao Zedong who came from a peasant background was confounded by the sight of children sitting on the tightly packed crop.

  What created this sort of absurdity? Aren't the grassroots cadres afraid of being caught cheating? Which great leader and brilliant emperor in history did not demand their underlings to speak the truth? Yet it is hard to find cases of bureaucrats getting their heads cut off for daring to lie about how great the situation was. Conversely, when people like Peng Dehuai tried to speak the truth, they met with bad endings. Sometimes, the decent folks are worried that the leaders being lied to. Actually the leaders are often only too glad to be lied to. It is the child telling the truth about the emperor's new clothes who creates embarrassment.

  So this is how a culture that regularly practices lying and fakery came about. Even more sad in this news report is that a local school holiday was declared on December 20 and the teachers told the students to stay home in the morning to wait for the telephone call and provide the standard answers. I think that there must have been unbearable pressures on the teachers to instruct their students on how to lie.

  The only comforting part is that the cadres used rewards to mobilize the people. In the past, it was more likely that brute force was used to coerce the people not to say the wrong things, or smear the image of the local district, or even smear the image of socialism. As a result, people lied out of fear or they chose to maintain silence and let the trained "actors" represent them. But today terrorism is not working as well. People have a choice to some extent, including denouncing the practice to the media without fear of retaliation. It can be said that 30 years after the reforms began, the dignity of the Chinese people as well as the degree of civilization in society have been raised markedly.

  One may wonder how much longer will the Chinese phenomenon of the grassroots officials deceiving their superiors persist? How can we completely change things? The most traditional idea is to hope that the leaders are clear-minded people who sometimes travel incognito to observe the actual conditions. But the Chinese people have been waiting for several thousand years without much effect. As long as the source of authority comes from "above," the phenomenon will continue to occur. Only when the source of authority comes from "below" can the situation be changed. The great leader only has one pair of eyes, but the people have innumerable pairs of eyes and they can't all be fooled all of the time.

  自上而下的考察是靠不住的 / 郭宇宽


  刚看到《南京晨报》报道了一条好新闻,为了迎接上级的全面达到小康的检查,南京浦口区的石桥镇,在给各村布置任务上可谓挖空心思,根据记者的调查,各村民家里都有“小康验收电话访谈样本”。这个样本共有16道问题和答案,其中第三题问的是:“2008年,您全家人均收入大概是多少元?答案是8000元以上。”第16题问的是“如果把幸福用100分来表示,您认为自己能打多少分? 答案是90到100分。”据说村干部还口头宣传,当天被抽中电话的群众,如果按照标准答案回答,将可获得2000元的奖励。

  更神奇的是,有一批人家电话在调查当天出现故障,有人兴致勃勃地等在家里准备中彩,却发现,用手机拨打自家电话:“好像是没有人接听,其实电话铃就没有响。”而且群众到了电信局才发现,家里电 话出现和他家一样情况的群众有100多人。“这些电话出问题的人中,大多数是家里经济不好的,或者平时和村干部闹过意见。”而且电话到了下午才通,而这个时候,小康电话调查正好结束了。










  1.One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to forget are already gone.   


  2.Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights inone's hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or havingsomething to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when youneed love.   


  3.Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give youstrength at last.   


  4.I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.


  5.Love makes man grow up or sink down.   


  6.If you can hold something up and put it down, it is calledweight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavyburdens when they are in love.  


  7.We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour tolike someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forgetsomeone.


  8.One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When youfinally get your own happiness, you will understand the previoussadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love.   


  9.When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.All this needs a very big mind.


  10.When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no moreimportant in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forwardby time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forwardwhen another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up.And we become different.  


  11.If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.   


  12.Don’t forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things youcan’t get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep thoselost things in memory.   


  13.I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. Forexample, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I stepbackward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.


  14.Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up. If love isa mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while womenwill see fewer men.  


  15.Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. 


  16.We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. Andthen begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.  


  17.Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We alwaysthink that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but infact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time.   


  18.In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness


  19.If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, sheneeds reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herselfclearly. coz only she has is misfortune.


  21.An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.  


  22. I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.  


  23.In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself forsomeone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Justask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.  


  24.Idon't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.


  25.When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up andhave a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't takeaway the world that belongs to you.




  材料:蕃茄酱2大匙、法式芥茉酱1/2大匙、海鲜酱1大匙、黑醋1/2大匙 橄榄油1/2大匙、辣椒酱1/3大匙、洋葱碎末1/4杯、蒜末1大匙 粗黑胡椒1/2小匙、盐少许、糖少许。



  材料 熟蕃茄1斤、橄榄油1/2小匙、紫苏(或西洋香菜末)1小匙、糖1/2小匙 胡椒粉少许、盐少许。

  作法 :



  材料 柳橙1个、蕃茄酱2大匙、糖1大匙、盐1小匙、水2大匙


  1. 柳橙1个(或香吉士)洗净沥干对切,再切成0.5公分片状。

  2. 将柳橙片与其他材料一起煮沸后改小火煮到剩余约2/3杯即可熄火,将所有材料渣过滤掉,酱汁即可使用。


  材料 紫苏梅2颗、砂糖1大匙、素蚝油1大匙、梅子汁2大匙、水少许


  1. 紫苏梅洗净、切细末。

  2. 取一碗,放入其余材料与水搅拌均匀。备用。

  3. 热锅,倒入作法2的酱汁以小火煮约3~5分钟至小滚即可熄火盛碗。

  4. 将作法1和作法3一起混合拌匀即可。

  5. 蒜蓉酱

  材料 辣椒1条、蒜头1颗、砂糖1大匙、蚝油1大匙、酱油膏2大匙、水少许


  1. 取一碗,砂糖、蚝油、 酱油膏与水一起搅拌均匀。

  2. 热锅,倒入作法1的酱汁以小火煮约3~5分钟至黏稠状盛碗。

  3. 辣椒、蒜头洗净切细末,再和作法2的酱一起拌匀即可。

  6. 甜辣酱

  材料 蕃茄酱1/2大匙、辣椒酱2大匙、水少许、砂糖1大匙


  1. 取一碗,加入所有材料与水一起搅拌均匀。

  2. 热锅,倒入作法1的酱汁以小火煮约3~5分钟至黏稠状即可。


  材料 虾米3两、虾皮4两、蒜头2两、绞肉1斤、豆干丁1/2斤、甜面酱1罐 豆瓣酱1/3小罐、萝蔔干4两、水1又1/2碗




  材料 南瓜2杯、高汤1杯、牛奶1杯、盐少许、白胡椒粉少许、面粉少许 奶油1大匙、洋葱2大匙




  9. 薄荷酱

  材料 薄荷叶适量、水1/2杯、糖少许、牛奶1/2杯、奶油1大匙、盐少许 面粉适量、水适量、白胡椒粉适量。


  1. 将薄荷叶洗净打成细末与水一起煮沸后将渣滤除后再用小火加热。

  2. 续在锅中放入奶油、牛奶、盐、糖、白胡椒粉等调煮拌匀。

  3. 另外用小碗将面粉与水拌匀,慢慢将面粉水加入锅中煮至浓稠状即可熄火备用。可作为面包条沾酱或羊排淋酱。


  材料 豆腐乳1块、果糖1又1/2大匙、辣油1大匙、水2/3杯、酱油1/2大匙 蒜泥1大匙、葱末1大匙


  1. 先将豆腐乳压成泥状备用。2. 再与水融合后加入果糖、辣油、酱油等用小火煮沸。

  3. 要吃时再加入蒜泥、葱末即可使用。如用白开水拌所有材料,可立即做沾酱使用。11.蘑菇酱

  材料 奶油2大匙、洋葱末 4大匙、蘑菇片 4~5颗、鲜奶油3大匙、水1又1/2杯盐 少许、面粉水酌量、蕃茄酱 1大匙(酌量)


  1. 把奶油加热融化,放入洋葱末爆香,再加蘑菇片一起炒

  2. 另外将水、鲜奶油和盐一起放入煮开,起锅前用面粉水芶芡,最后加入蕃茄酱拌匀即可。鳕鱼排或鸡排都很适合淋上蘑菇酱,用于牛排或猪排亦可,拿来当作意大利铁板面的淋酱也很不错。


  材料 水3大匙、酱油1小匙、白醋(或苹果醋)2小匙、沙拉油1/2小匙 糖1小匙、在来米粉1小匙、洋葱粉1大匙、大蒜粉1大匙 糖浆1大匙、盐微量(1/8小匙)

  作法 将所有材料在锅中调匀后用小火煮至浓稠状,一边煮要一边搅拌,以免黏锅,煮至浓稠状时就可以熄火,放凉即可。除了沾鸡块以外,沾薯条、洋葱圈和餐包也都相当美味。

  13.意大利面酱材料 绞肉1/2斤、洋葱(切成小丁)1/4颗、蕃茄煳罐头1罐 红萝蔔丁(或萝蔔末)1杯、橄榄油2大匙、红辣椒酱2大匙 蒜末1大匙、白胡椒粉1小匙、糖1/2杯、水1/2杯


  1. 热锅,将橄榄油入锅微热过,加入洋葱末、红萝蔔丁和蒜末炒香

  2. 再加进绞肉爆炒,接着加入辣椒酱、白胡椒粉、豆蔻粉和糖一起

  3. 最后放入蕃茄煳和1/2杯水用小火熬煮约3~5分钟即可。用于义大利面、干面淋酱,或是白菜炖煮酱。


  材料 酱油2大匙、蕃茄酱2大匙、砂糖1又1/2大匙、乌醋1大匙 水3~4大匙、太白粉少许、香油少许

  作法 起油锅,将所有材料一起调匀煮开。糖醋酱用途非常广,炸鱼、炸排骨或是炸肉丸子,只要淋上糖醋酱,再撒上一点葱花,就是一道美味佳餚。


  材料 姜末1/2杯、醋3/4杯、糖1/2杯、水1/4杯、盐少许

  作法 把醋、糖、水和盐一起煮开至糖完全融化,放入姜末继续煮开后熄火,放凉后装瓶冷藏,食用时取出即可。加一点盐的用意在于将糖和白醋的味道提出来,让沾料尝起来更有甘味,所以盐只能用少许(须少于1/4小匙),不可以太多。可作为清蒸海鲜如螃蟹、鱼或水煮虾沾酱。


  材料 桂花1大匙、蜂蜜1/2杯、冰糖1/4杯、水1又1/2杯、桂花香料少许 肉桂粉少许、盐少许

  作法 将所有材料一起煮沸后改小火慢煮至浓稠为止即可使用。可做蜂蜜莲藕或蜜火腿沾酱、加入甜汤圆里均。


  材料 猪油或清香油1小匙、乌醋1小匙、酱油1小匙、味精少许 香油少许、葱花1大匙

  作法 先将面条煮熟,将所有调味料搅拌均匀,倒入煮好的面条中,拌匀即可;若是用油面,可撒些油葱酥,增加油面滑润的口感。口味比较重的话,可以再加上1/2小匙的甜辣酱,味道更好。用于拌干面或水煮青菜。


  材料 芝麻酱1/2大匙、黑醋2大匙、辣油1大匙、香油1/2大匙、蒜泥1/2大匙 米酒1/3大匙、冷开水1大匙、花生粉1/2大匙、白醋1大匙、糖1/2大匙

  作法1. 蒜泥与水先拌均匀。再把芝麻酱加入黑酢、冷开水拌开。

  2. 再将所有材料调匀,再视个人喜好,加点黄瓜丝及红萝蔔丝均可。


  材料 酱油1大匙、酱油膏1大匙、糖1/2大匙、香油1/2大匙、胡椒粉1小匙 太白粉少许

  作法 将所有材料一起混合搅拌均匀即成,可多做一些放入冷藏库备用。生肉腌酱或肉类炒、烩酱均可。


  材料 酱油1大匙、红油1大匙、柴鱼味精或味精1/2小匙、香油少许 花椒粉少许、葱末1小匙、蒜末1/2小匙、香菜末1小匙 豆芽菜1把(以手掌抓一把为准)

  作法 先在碗里放入酱油、花椒粉、蒜末和柴鱼味精,轻轻调匀。接着将用水煮熟的馄饨放入碗中,再撒上葱末、香菜末和微烫过的豆芽菜,吃之前淋上红油和香油,就是香喷喷的红油抄手啦!用于水煮干馄饨拌酱,或干面、干板条拌酱。


🗼 五月底去了一趟日本,记录一下我的游记和攻略 | Mengke's blog - Mengke's coding journey

🗼 五月底去了一趟日本,记录一下我的游记和攻略 | Mengke's blog - Mengke's coding journey 年初制定的目标中有一项是「带老婆出国旅行」,现在已经完成了。 五月底我们去了一趟日本 ,我在这里记录一下我们的游记,也分享一些攻略...